Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It’s a new day in the Sandt household. I have decided that ordered chaos is still just that, chaos. It’s time to end it and embrace simplicity. I have felt for awhile now that my life is in utter disarray- literally. It is because of the massive amount of junk lovely things we have accumulated through the years, that each time we move, my mind, as well as our home becomes just a little more insane unorganized.

So now we move on to my solution. My own Personal Savior Professional Organizer! I know what you're thinking, but it really was easier than I thought to make that leap, and while the time and expense is freaking me out doable in small increments; I am excited about all of the possibilities. All it took was for me to watch a rerun of an Oprah episode about hoarders, three episodes of Clean House and an episode of General Hospital.

Why- you ask? What on earth could General Hospital have to do with my cleaning and unpacking issues? It’s called procrastination. I wake up each day with a plan of attack in my head…a long list of impossible things that I WILL accomplish today come hell or high water. I stand in the room I have chosen to work on for that day, staring at all of the boxes needing to be unpacked and/or all of our crap belongings that have already been unpacked, and dumped strewn all over every possible square inch of the floor and surface space. I then walk right back out of the room (in the same footsteps mind you- so that I don’t trip and kill myself or break anything) all the while thinking that a cup of coffee will help my ADD me focus. Of course-then I end up finding a multitude of other things to keep myself busy and blissfully in denial about the room I just left.

Hence, General Hospital. Why not??  It's so motivating! Doesn’t everyone wish their home was as immaculately clean and organized as those houses that the people of Port Charles live in? Have you ever heard Monica Quartermaine complain that she can’t find her freakin’ underwear, telephone, or favorite spatula? I don’t think so.

Jemi Faust is the woman who is crazy enough has agreed to work with me to accomplish my goal. 5000 pounds of useless items gone by next month the time we move again in a year. Keep her in your prayers will you? You all know how serious my control issues have become over the years…her life may be in danger.

Now that I have procrastinated my morning away started my blogging journey, I will leave you so that I might begin my first assigned project. Clearing out a space in the garage to put all of the stuff we will be donating to other households all over Rhode Island.  Well, ok, maybe right after an episode of General Hospital.


  1. Thanks for sharing Pennie! Are there going to be before and after pictures? (Just more things for you to do to put off your assignment...LOL) You seem so organized on the outside, like most of us! Good luck. I look forward to reading about this experience! God's blessings to all those involved! :)

  2. Thanks Tammy...your support means a lot! I think that this blog will also help keep me on track with the whole project, as I know people may be following my progress closely! Hahaha! But then...maybe ignorance is bliss! :)

  3. Last year, when I was preparing a talk about starting the new year, decluttering our lives,etc - one of the things that I heard and what is motivating me now, is that it has been shown that if you declutter your home, you will also lose weight...hmmm ;) I"ll let you know if I support that theory :)

  4. Me too! I am hoping that body weight will come off with each and every pound of stuff I purge from this house!
